Seneye Products > dashboard > Alerts via SMS and email > SMS text alerts your country codes
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    Our text message alert service (SMS) is worldwide and your mobile device will need to identify what country the number is based in. For example if your mobile phone is registered in the US then you need to enter 001 (not just 1 or +1). When you have entered this your alerts can be routed to the cell phone anywhere in the world.

    Country Country
    Country Country
    Country Country
    Algeria 213 Greenland 299 Oman 968
    Andorra 376 Grenada 1809 Pakistan 92
    Angola 244 Guadeloupe 590 Panama 507
    Anguilla 1264 Guam 671 Papua New Guinea 675
    Antigua and Barbuda 1268 Guatemala 502 Paraguay 595
    Antilles (Netherlands) 599 Guinea 224 Peru 51
    Argentina 54 Guyana 592 Philippines 63
    Aruba 297 Haiti 509 Poland 48
    Ascension Island 247 Honduras 504 Portugal 351
    Australia 61 Hong Kong 852 Puerto Rico 1787
    Austria 43 Hungary 36 Qatar 974
    Azores 351 Ibiza 34 Reunion 262
    Bahamas 1242 Iceland 354 Rodriguez Islands 230
    Bahrain 973 India 91 Romania 40
    Bangladesh 880 Indonesia 62 Rwanda 250
    Barbados 1246 Iran 98 St. Christopher 1809
    Belgium 32 Iraq 964 St. Lucia 1758
    Belize 501 Irish Republic 353 St. Pierre & Miquelon 508
    Bermuda 1441 Israel 972 St. Vincent 1809
    Bolivia 591 Italy 39 Samoa (US) 684
    Bosnia-Herzegovina 387 Jamaica 1876 Samoa (Western) 685
    Botswana 267 Japan 81 San Marino 378
    Brazil 55 Jordan 962 Saudi Arabia 966
    Brunei 673 Kenya 254 Senegal 221
    Bulgaria 359 Kiribati 686 Serbia 381
    Burundi 257 Korea, Republic of (South) 82 Seychelles 248
    Cambodia 855 Kuwait 965 Sierra Leone 232
    Cameroon 237 Lesotho 266 Singapore 65
    Canada 1 Libya 218 Solomon Islands 677
    Canary Islands 34 Liechtenstein 4175 Somalia 252
    Cayman Islands 1345 Luxembourg 352 South Africa 27
    Chile 56 Macau 853 Spain 34
    China 86 Macedonia 389 Sri Lanka 94
    CIS 7 Madagascar 261 Sudan 249
    Colombia 57 Madeira 35191 Surinam 597
    Congo 242 Majorca 34 Swaziland 268
    Congo, Democratic Republic of 243 Malawi 265 Sweden 46
    Cook Islands 682 Malaysia 60 Switzerland 41
    Costa Rica 506 Maldives 980 Syria 963
    Cote d'Ivoire 225 Mali 223 Taiwan 886
    Croatia 385 Malta 356 Tanzania 255
    Cuba 53 Mariana Island 670 Thailand 66
    Cyprus 357 Martinique 596 Togo 228
    Czech Republic 42 Mauritania 222 Tonga 676
    Demnark 45 Mauritius 230 Trinidad & Tobago 1868
    Djibouti 253 Mexico 52 Tunisia 216
    Dominica 1809 Micronesia 691 Turkey 90
    Dominican Republic 1809 Minorca 34 Turks & Caicos Islands 1649
    Ecuador 593 Monaco 377 Uganda 256
    Egypt 20 Montserrat 1664 Union of Myanmar 95
    El Salvador 503 Morocco 212 United Arab Emirates 971
    Ethiopia 251 Namibia 264 United Kingdam 44
    Falkland Islands 500 Nauru 674 Uruguay 598
    Faroe Islands 298 Nepal 977 USA 1
    Fiji 679 Netherlands 31 Vanuatu 678
    Finland 358 Nevis 1869 Vatican City 39
    France 33 New Caledonia 687 Venezuela 58
    French Guiana 594 New Zealand 64 Vietnam 84
    French Polynesia 689 Nicaragua 505 Virgin Isles (UK) 1809
    Gabon 241 Niger 227 Virgin Isles (US) 1340
    Gambia 220 Nigeria 234 Yemen Arab Republic 967
    Germany 49 Nive Island 683 Zambia 260
    Gibraltar 350 Norfolk Island 672 Zimbabwe 263
    Greece 30 Norway 47