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    The importance of maintaining the correct pH and  the potential problems if not done so .

    pH is  measuring hydrogen ions as acidity and hydroxyl ions as alkhalinity, 0-6.99 as acidic, 7.0 considered as neutral, in effect equal number of hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions ,7.01-0-14 is alkhaline.
    Should an ammonia problem arise as a result of decaying matter, die offs of algal blooms or for any other reason then higher the pH the more toxic the ammonia will become,this becomes more acute with rising temperatures.Fish can add acids or bases to their blood to help counter the effect of their internal pH to that of the water, however only in moderation to a gradual and slight change, the process is not instant either. If the water becomes too acidic or too alkhaline the fish are likely to succumb to Acidosis or Alkalosis, both can be fatal.
    For fish to remain healthy a stable pH , 7.0 and 8.6 is considered as the optimal range to maintain, a higher more alkhaline pH will subject the fish potentially to Alkalosis, symptoms being loss of appetite, excess slime, isolation gasping at the pond surface, blood streaked fins, resting on the bottom, and finally death, the symptoms for Acidosis are basically the same, however unlike Alkalosis it can be reversed easier by increasing the pH.
    A seneye monitors the three most important parameters in your pond constantly, far more accurate than a test kit, no good testing for ammonia hours after the problem has arisen.There is not  a single test kit that can alert you if you are miles away from home, neither is there a test kit than can advise you of a dramatic loss of water! The cost of a seneye is insignificant to the potential loss of valuable live stock, even the most stable pond conditions can deteriate from various factors beyond control.