Key points for growing your own aquatic plants
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[MISSING:]Other than the aesthetically pleasing benefits of a well decorated aquarium as explained in the section decorating your aquarium there are many benefits other benefits to growing and maintaining aquatic plants within your aquarium. A prime example as to why it is beneficial to grow your own aquatic plants is by maintaining the plants you are also providing your fish with a healthy, balanced environment. An article by Home Aquaria perfectly explains the four benefits as to why decorating your aquarium is the best option.
Correct lighting is of paramount importance, proper lighting enables plants to process the CO2 fish excrete. The deeper the tank, the stronger the light requirements and need for good reflectors, with an average height aquarium, 18-24" there needs to be somewhere in the region of 2-3 watts per gallon.
It must be remembered plants reverse the photosynthesis process when lights are off, taking in the oxygen and releasing CO2, there fore ensuring pumps and aeration is extremely important, do not be tempted to turn a noisy pump off when lights are out!
The substratum
The substratum is where the plants develop their roots and take in nutrients. Sand or gravel of a fine to medium grade is best as if too fine, the substratum will pack down too hard and not allow the nutrients or water to flow to the roots and if too course the plants will be unable to root successfully, causing rotting due to the crown being exposed to fish waste and the plant will not anchor successfully.