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    The aquatics industry has become increasingly popular and since polyethene bags came into existence the hobby has grown from strength to strength. As the hobby grows so does our knowledge of fish keeping, such as how important it is to monitor water quality.

    So what are the best types of fish to keep? Bearing in mind species of fish can be as different to each other as a mouse is to an elephant.
    Coldwater Fish
    All cold water fish that are sold through the aquatic trade will come from breeders and shippers. As the name suggests, cold water fish prefer to be in cooler temperatures than tropical fish. The most common species are Koi and goldfish.
    Tropical Fish
    Tropical fish are those that live in warmer waters. When you hear the term tropical fish in the aquatics industry they will commonly be referring to fish that are kept in heated aquariums. 
    Freshwater Tropical Fish
    Examples of freshwater tropicals are African Cichlids, Angelfish, Fancy Goldfish and Discus.
    Saltwater Tropical Fish
    Examples of saltwater tropicals are Clownfish, Cardinalfish, and Blenny fish. 
    Coral Reef Tropical Fish 
    Examples of coral reef tropical fish are Damselfish and Yellow Tang fish.
    So now you know a few examples, what fish are best for you as a beginner in the hobby? 
    We would recommend starting with a general freshwater community tank, with species such as livebearers, barbs, tetras and rainbowfishes. Starting with a freshwater tank removes the added stress of maintaining the salt content and the species named are hardy fish, therefore, they are fairly adaptable to swings in ph, ammonia and temperature. However, even the hardiest fish needs to be in optimum water conditions, and this is where a device like the seneye is perfect to keep first-time fish keepers at peace. The seneye home device measures temperature, ph, water level and nh3, so when you are in the midst of setting up your new tank you can keep a keen eye on all the life critical parameters.