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    In true terms NH4 is a nontoxic substance in the aquarium, however due to the equilibrium which occurs between NH3/ NH4 at a given pH and temperature it is better to measure NH4 than nothing at all. Using traditional methods NH3 is very hard to measure so normally people measure NH4 as a guide to safe levels of NH3. This is most often done by a chart supplied with the test kit or by a calculation online. If you are using these methods as a guide to NH3 in the aquarium do not expect to match your seneye.

    If you have a seneye reef device you will get an NH4 widget on your dashboard. To provide this we do a calculation derived from the known pH, temp and NH3 reported by your seneye device. For the same reasons stated above it should only be used as a rough guide. U


    Please note:

    Ammonia and ammonium together are usually described as TAN ot total ammonia nitrogen. Often test kits measure TAM not NH4 or NH3, this can make comparisons to seneye and accurate NH3 calculations even harder.