Version as of 00:08, 19 Apr 2024

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    The following page details some of the potential problems you may encounter whist setting up your SWS

    SWS will not connect to the LAN (network light if off)

    Please try rebooting your router

    Try a different Ethernet cable

    Ensure that your SWS is powered and shows the power light


    SWS will not connect with the seneye servers (connection with the seneye server light off)

    Ensure that your router has an internet connection

    Try removing any firewalls between the SWS and the router


    SWS will not stay connected with the seneye servers (connection with the seneye server light flashing)

    If the light is flashing then there is a connection to the servers so you can continue with the setup. The flashing light will indicate a lack of UPNP connection on your router. Please ensure that this is on, on your router. If this is not possible the system will still work without UPNP but with the following limitation.

    Without UPNP, changes that are made on the dashboard (such and an alert level changing) will not be downloaded instantly to the SWS. This means that a warning light on your seneye USB device may remain on for a period of time after the change. The update will be downloaded with the next communication cycle with the servers.

    This type of connection is shown on the SWS GUI with the following tile:

    limited connection image.PNG