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    Version as of 07:04, 18 Apr 2024

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    To use the seneye lighty meter you must first understand the light levels will change depending on the position of teh sensor relative to the light source. For example if left in the top corner the light readings will be very low and not representive of the light recieved by corals and plants in different areas.

    using a seneye reef for light readings in the aquarium.JPG


    SCA reef light meter.png

    SCA reef light meter turn on human eye.pngSCA reef light meter showing human eye line.png

    SCA reef light meter turn on PAR.pngSCA reef light meter showing par line.png

    SCA reef light meter showing par and lux line.png

    SCA reef light meter ready to save.png


    SCA reef light meter ready to save countdown.png

    SCA pop up for free recordings.png


    SCA reef light meter top measurement.png

    SCA reef light meter middle measurement.png

    SCA reef light meter bottom measurement.png