Using your SWS with Parental controls or Sky Shield
Table of contents
[MISSING:]BT smart setup
If you have a BT Home Hub please follow the steps below before connecting your SWS to your Home Network. Otherwise, your Home Hub will block communication from the SWS by default.
- Go to to open the Home Hub interface.
- You will need the administrator password from the back of the Home Hub
- Click on "Home Network"
- Click on "Smart Setup"
- Under "Enable Smart Setup" click "No"
- Click Apply
- Restart the BT Home Hub
BT Parental controls
Your parental controls on your online BT account can also block the transmission of data from the SWS to the servers. You will need to turn the settings to OFF to allow the SWS to communicate. The link below gives details as to how to do this.
If you require these to be left ON, then please contact us for assistance with allowing the required seneye websites.
BT NetProtect
Some customers have reported issues with their connection when using BT NetProtect. The set-up for this is done online through your BT account.
If this does not work, please contact us on [email protected] and we can provide instructions as to how to try a beta version of the firmware for compatibility.
SKY Shield
Sky Shield works in a very similar way to BT parental controls and will need to be turned off if it is blocking the SWS from communicating.